Thursday, December 10, 2009

An Ode to My Oboe

Squeaking, squawking like a bird,
Not caring if it is heard.
This instrument takes a risk,
The conductor goes, "tisk, tisk"
When the rest are done with the show,
The oboe doesn't seem to know.
It keeps all the notes flying,
Someone thinks a duck is dying.
And finally they think it's done,
But tomorrow still brings more fun.


  1. Wow that is hilarious, I absolutely love it. Nicely done. Haha I can't stop laughing, Karen it is amazing

  2. You just made a really weird topic into a great poem! This poem is totally you, too! Great job!!!

  3. This was hilarious! I loved the rhyming in it too. Awesome job!

  4. Have you ever noticed that some fire alarms sound like a dying duck? Just a random thought! I really like this poem because you chose sort of a dry topic and made it into something funny and unique! Great job! I would have liked to see it be longer though. I really enjoyed it and didn't want it to end. I felt you cut it a little short.

  5. I love this Karen! It's totally awesome, you should show this to Ms.Mitchell. Great job! (:

  6. Very fun. I like how you can have fun with the topic. If I were your conductor, I'd love it too.

  7. I finally figured out how to get to your blog! I love your poems;your voice reminds me of the way you find joy in everything you do!
