Thursday, May 20, 2010


Authors note: I wrote this poem as a response to the novel, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. The main character, Christopher, has autism and doesn't like chatting because there are no questions asked or answers stated. He finds chatting pointless and it made me wonder why we do chat. Is it to pass time? To get to know others? But it really doesn't do much. So here is my poem that describes what I was wondering:

Hello, goodbye, good morning, good night

Meaningless chatting going on with no might

Minutes and days and hours are spent

Only to be looked back on with resent

These talks end with no gain of knowledge

Leaving us less prepared for our college

Conversations with points and purpose

Will keep us farther away from the circus

Questions and answers will soon occur

Just to make sure you always concur


  1. Excellent poem. It reminds me of two other poems that are famous. One is The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, by T. S. Eliot, and the other is The English are so Nice, by D. H. Lawrence. The theme is a really important one; how do we spend our time? Do we really mean the things we say day in and day out? Or are we simply passing time, filling the minutes of the day until there are none left? Well done.

  2. This is really good Karen! When I read this peom, you also made me think, do we just chat to pass time? Nice Job!

  3. Karen, Karen, Karen! This is excellent and very well written. Your repetition and rhyming techniques are really strong and your message is really clear, yet gives the reader something to think about.

  4. I absolutley love this poem!! You are really good at rhyming, Karen. I like how you were able to take what you were thinking, and put it into a poem.
