Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The two sides of Wemmick

Although it is known throughout the world that treating people with respect and kindness is the most important rule of mankind, some choose to turn against it. Wemmick, a man with two completely different lives, is one of them and needs to get his personal ethics and morals in line. At home, he is a honest man, one who abides by the Golden Rule and doesn’t turn against it; at work, though, he is like a flipped coin, deceiving others here, there and everywhere. This behavior is due to the fact that he is a selfish and conceited man, too afraid that taking a different path in his work life will afflict his personal life. With fear conning him into a different personality, Wemmick is becoming a changed man with different morals than before, he needs to take the reins of his life and start changing the course that he is on.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, your word choice is fantastic in this response. Even though it's short and sweet you hit the point exactly. I think your idea of how he needs to get himself in line is very well written. Great Job!
