Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Corner of the Universe Responses

A way to document time, always having those special moments with you, no matter how old you get.
A keepsake, allowing you to rewind and go back in time as much as you please.
Spitting out images of your past, brightly reminding you of the future.
A place that stops those images from going anywhere else, a stop in time.
A time capsule that keeps memories, and sometimes more.


  1. How can you be reminded of the future? I really like the concept of this poem and some of the things you put into it, but I don't think that it is in its best form. Maybe it would be better in some other form of writing; maybe it would resound more strongly if you rearranged the parts in some kind of different organization. It seems like location of each word in the poem doesn't have meaning, they're just kind of throw together.

  2. I like this poem a lot. The way you placed just one word alone on a line gives the reader a chance to think about the concept, before seeing what you have to say. Also, I like how you end the poem--not being too pushy with you opinion--giving the reader something to think about. Nice work!

  3. I agree with Lian, I really like the way you laid the poem out it gives the reader time to imagine that concept before they read your idea of it. Great Job! (:

  4. This would be a hard topic to write about... but this turned out great. Like Lian said, I like how you have the one word on a line. Great job!

  5. I really like how you gave the readers a concept to think about like Lian said before, and the repetition at the end really completes the whole idea of the poem. Great job!

  6. This peom is great! It was really smart to have one word then on the next line have your description of it! I love this poem! Keep up the good work!

  7. This is a really cool poem. The way you put one word on a line made the poem turn out I think. By having the one word lines the reader looks at the word by itself, with no other distratcions and gets a clear picture and meaning of it. Overall, this poem turned out great.

  8. I really like this poem Karen! I agree with Lian, and I really like the conept of the poem. Nice job!
